Four Tips for Beginner Yogis

Four Tips for Beginner Yogis

1. Relax & Keep an Open Mind

There are many different styles of Yoga, something available to suit everybody.
Whether that be a sweaty Power Yoga class or a more mindful Hatha Yoga flow, Yoga is for everyone. Your first initial Yoga experience may not meet your expectations but with a little more research and perseverance, you may just find your preferred style and fall in love with its practice.
Like trying anything new, the first yoga class experience can feel overwhelming.
The Yoga Instructor may use Sanskrit or certain postures may be difficult to follow… do not give up! With each class, you will feel improvement, you will see improvement and crave the improvement. Relax and enjoy the journey.

2. Invest in a Good Quality Yoga Mat

A good quality yoga mat makes all the difference in your practice. A thick supportive mat with decent grip will only benefit your practice as you feel comfortable and supported during movement and meditation.
With such a wide range available, picking a cute mat in your favourite colour will only encourage you to roll it out more often!

3. Modify When Necessary

Yoga props such as block’s or straps are very useful for all levels of Yogi's, especially beginner’s. If offered during a class, don’t feel too embarrassed to use them.
Listen to your body, work with your own range of movement and move with ease into postures with the support of props.

4. Don’t Beat Yourself Up!

Avoid making comparisons with other Yogi’s online or with your neighbour during a class.
Comparison really is the thief of joy so instead of comparing, draw motivation and appreciation of others moving their bodies. Set goals and commit to regular practice, you will eventually get to where you want to be.


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